South American Coffee Farms
CUPPING NOTES: Medium Acidity, Rounded Body. Dark Chocolate, Mango, Peach, Nice Complexity
GRADE: Excelso, EP
REGION: Tolima
ALTITUDE: 1,500-2,100 M
PROCESS: Washed and Sun Dried
VARIETALS: Caturra, Castillo, and Tipica
DETAILS: A small group of farmers formed Cafe del Macizo in 2003 in the countryside municipality of Planadas, in the state of Tolima. With 59 lifetime growers, the group shares decades of knowledge and resources with each other to produce high-quality coffee. Located in the foothills of Cordillera Central, the beautiful mountains shape the lush landscape.
CUPPING NOTES: Medium Acidity, Smooth Body, Lemon, Herbal, Chocolate
GRADE: Grade 1, SHG, EP
REGION: Amazonas
ALTITUDE: 1,600-1,800 M
VARIETALS: Typica, Castillo, Bourbon, and Catimor
CERTIFICATION: Fair Trade, Organic
DETAILS: Located in northern Peru in the Amazonian Andes, this coop began with just 35 small farmers in 2003. The Asociacion de Productores Cafetaleros Juan Marco El Palto (JUMARP) is also known as simply "El Palto." There are 40 women of the current 189 coop members, with approximately 550 hectares of organic and Fair-Trade Certified coffee in production. Like their male counterparts, female members are represented on the El Palto Coop Board of Directors, whose mission is to increase production and profitability in specialty coffee to increase each member's family’s income.
CUPPING NOTES: Medium Acidity, Smooth Body, Mandarin Orange, Chocolate, Clean Finish
REGION: Sul de Minas
ALTITUDE: 950-1,100 M
VARIETALS: Mundo Novo, Catuai, Icatu, and Bourbon
DETAILS: This coffee is from small producers in the rolling hills of Sul De Mines. The mild climate, gentle rainfall, and microclimate bring out the best in the trees. The farms are small to medium in size, with 10-150 hectares being farmed for generations.